Friday, 5 April 2013

Life is all about change.

Does that sound too philosophical? Had a major fight with my sister last night. I think it's the fact that there's only 2 of us in this house and it's easy to get into one. This morning I tried talking to her and she didn't reply so this how it's going to be for awhile.

I realised... we're 2 very different people. I don't think we know alot about each other at all. I spent nearly 4 years away from Singapore, and that's a very long time. She keeps saying how I try to be a "neutral" person but I'm not, apparently. Isn't being neutral how people should be? That's what I'm trying to be. I don't want to judge people, though it's very common in human nature. I'm not perfect, but I'm striving to be better. You can't shoot people down to what they once were when they're trying to get up on their feet.

Anyways, change. That's what I strive for. To be better. I know I can be very unfriendly and judging at times, but that's my defence mechanism. I don't want to get hurt, as you know how emotional I can be. My favourite virtual trainer, Miss Cassey Ho (aka blogilates) , once said that how we react to a situation, determines our happiness. We choose how we feel. I've been subtly stressed for a long time. I keep hoping for it to change soon, but you know sometimes you just want it to be your own way. How everything is supposed to be. I need to live more positively. This is, after all, my only life that I can life.

I'm off to do some blogilates, gotta keep up with the calendar you know!

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